Conservative women like Kayleigh McEnany might be seen as more attractive according to a new deep learning study (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)


Scientific theory that right-wingers are prettier given the European Parliament test


Can we really judge people by their looks? Science suggests we may just be able to, at least when it comes to politics.

New research indicates that women who are considered ‘less attractive’ tend to lean towards the political Left. The study, published online by US-based Scientific Reports and PubMed, used artificial intelligence deep-learning techniques to analyse physical features and their relation to political ideology.

The researchers emphasised that deep-learning approaches provide more accurate results than judgements made by laypeople. They stressed the need to explore specific facial features that convey sensitive information to gain deeper psychological insights.

The study examined 3,233 Danish political candidates, using various techniques including what are termed ‘convolutional neural networks’, heat maps and facial expression and physical characteristics assessments. The researchers aimed to identify the facial features associated with the computer model’s predictions for political ideology and to understand the limitations of existing approaches.

Results showed that facial attractiveness played a significant role in predicting political ideology for women, while other factors beyond the face influenced the classification of males. Heat maps revealed that certain areas of the face were important when predicting left-wing or right-wing ideology.

The study found that so-called ‘right-wing faces’, particularly among women, were perceived as more attractive and appeared happier compared to their left-wing counterparts. Moreover, attractiveness scores were positively correlated with model-predicted Conservative ideology among women.

“These results are credible given that previous research using human raters has also highlighted a link between attractiveness and Conservatism”, the scientists note, pointing to another study from 2017. “Further, the amateur nature of these candidates is a strength because the photos represent candidates for office where selective pressures are rather low.”

The researchers observed that happy facial expressions were associated with Conservatism for both genders, supporting previous findings that linked smiling in photographs to extroversion and right-wing ideology. Additionally, they noted a non-trivial correlation between contempt and the predicted probability of left-wing ideology among women.

This study is the first to demonstrate the connection between independently classifiable facial features and model-predicted ideology. The findings align with previous research that has shown a link between attractiveness and Conservatism. The use of amateur political candidates in the study was considered a strength, as it reduced selective pressures commonly seen in professional settings.

Results on the full primary sample proved accurate 61 per cent of the time for both for men and women when compared to a database of people ranked by humans according to beauty, exceeding the rate of a random guess. If non-facial elements are included, the prediction rate for males increased.

Do you think the study is right? Is there a correlation between appearance and ideology?

Here at Brussels Signal, we believe all the most beautiful people in the European Union deserve credit, regardless of ideology. Here is a catwalk of some of the European Parliament’s top models.

Veronica Rossi – ID (© European Union – 2022)

Move over Gucci, Rossi is seen here in Strasbourg, blinding us with an angelic white outfit, while drawing us in with devilish dark eyes.

Rob Roos (© European Union – 2022)

The crush of many a young female parliamentary assistant, this ECR heartthrob still cuts it as a silver fox at 56.

Eva Kaili (Photo by Vladimir Rys/Getty Images)

Of course, no list would be complete without S&D glamour icon Eva Kaili. Has she stolen our hearts? Guilty on that one.

Jan Huitema – Renew (© European Union – 2022)

Young, blonde, tall, Dutch. What more needs to be said?

Mick Wallace – Left (© European Union – 2022)

Wallace’s views may cause controversy but few dare argue given this pink-shirted rogue’s raw animal magnetism.

Lara Comi – EPP(© European Union – 2022)

A high-rolling girl-boss, Comi wins us over with her sugar-sweet, girl-next-door charms.

Nico Semsrott – Greens (© European Union – 2019)

He was a skater boy! Nico Semsrott is not often seen but this rebel always grabs the spotlight with his devil-may-care antics.

Silvia Sardone; League party , (Photo by Emanuele Cremaschi/Getty Images)

Sardone turns heads wherever she goes, especially when peeping seductively from behind a curtain.

Susanna Ceccardi, League Party. EPA-EFE/ALESSANDRO DI MEO

Ceccardi cuts a fine figure of femininity and strength combined – it’s a thumbs-up all round!