The European Commission has denied its actions are being influenced by a prominent pro-migrant organisation amid questions from various international publications. (Photo by Thierry Monasse/Getty Images)


European Commission denies being ‘secretly influenced’ by pro-migrant group


The European Commission has denied its actions are influenced by a prominent pro-migrant organisation.

Some have attempted to tie the actions of various Commissioners to the Lighthouse Reports website, a so-called “collaborative journalism” project that frequently pushes stories supporting strongly liberal approaches to mass migration.

The body receives funding from the Open Society Foundation, an NGO founded by Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros.

The EC’s alleged reticence to challenge the Lighthouse Reports’ frequent attacks on Frontex – the European Border and Coast Guard Agency – has raised eyebrows, with agency staff themselves said to be convinced Commissioners are actively working with NGOs to “sabotage” the border force.

Writing in response to a question from Rassemblement National MEP Dominique Bilde, the Brussels executive denied it had any ties whatsoever with the Soros-backed venture.

“The Commission has no links to Lighthouse Reports,” European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson said, adding that the body’s actions on migration were purely inspired by “European values”.

“The Commission endeavours to consult all relevant stakeholders in its processes, to ensure proposals are evidence-based and effective, but always retains its independence in the decision-making process,” she went on to say.

Johansson did not address the contents of a number of private messages discovered by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), which allege that the EC is working with NGOs to intentionally undermine Frontex.

Sent by senior officials within the EU border force organisation, the messages accuse various European officials of holding “excessively pro-migrant views”.

An article published by Le Figaro has also raised questions regarding the EC’s actions.

According to the report, the EC failed to discourage protests against Frontex after footage was posted by Lighthouse Reports allegedly depicting the agency engaging in “migrant pushback” at sea.

There were questions regarding the authenticity of the footage. The videos were published by Lighthouse Reports and state authorities in Turkey simultaneously.

The scandal eventually resulted in the departure last year of the Frontex’s then-head, Fabrice Leggeri.