Former French Education and Youth Minister Pap Ndiaye just scored a new top-job. EPA-EFE/STEPHANE MAHE / POOL MAXPPP OUT


Sacked French former minister’s new diplomatic role sparks outrage


The recently dismissed French Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye has landed himself a cushy job in high European circles, sparking outrage among the opposition.

While Ndiaye was sacked on July 20, he has now been elevated to the position of French ambassador to the Council of Europe, starting August 1. The French presidential Élysée Palace announced the decision on July 27.

His stint as Education Minister was largely seen as a failure with the standard of French education sliding over his 14-month tenure.

The French opposition is not happy with the appointment. Eric Ciotti of the centre-right Les Républicains stated: “Mr Ndiaye was sacked as minister last week because he was incompetent. Is it in the state’s interest to make him ambassador?”

Similarly, Marine Chiaberto of the hard-right Reconquête party, said: “To reward Pap Ndiaye for his incompetence at the Ministry of National Education, he is now promoted as an ambassador to the Council of Europe for a highly paid, virtually fictitious job.”

Hélène Laporte, the deputy of the Rassemblement National and vice-president of the National Assembly, pitched in: “The new world promised by Emmanuel Macron loves old political practices.”

Ndiaye will succeed Marie Fontanel, who has been France’s council ambassador since September 1, 2020.

The 57-year-old Ndiaye had been the Minister of Education for just 14 months before he was replaced by Gabriel Attal in a major reshuffle of the French Government by President Emmanuel Macron.

Regarding his new role, Ndiaye said: “It is a very important position because human rights issues concern all countries, including France,” and claimed France has been under fire regarding police violence and the treatment of disabled individuals.