Teresa Ribera (C) during the EU Enviroment and Energy ministers meeting held in Valladolid on July 11 on the ocassion of the Spanish presidence of the EU. EPA-EFE/Nacho Gallego


Spanish minister’s bike stunt backfires at energy summit


Spain’s ecology minister Teresa Ribera struck what appeared to be an environmentally conscious stance by arriving at a climate summit on a bicycle on July 11. But her efforts were undermined after it became clear she had been escorted by gas-guzzling armoured cars.

Ribera had hoped to look ‘green’ when she cycled her way to a European summit of energy ministers in Valladolid, Spain. In a clearly staged move, the politician and two of her advisors were captured on camera arriving pedalling away.

It seemed the Socialist minister was working on her public relations in light of the upcoming Spanish general elections on July 23.

The imagery was widely shared on social media by her own officials and certain segments of the press, which posted photos and videos of Ribera arriving at the informal gathering on what seemed a rather ill-fitting bicycle.

The scenes were clearly meant to highlight both her own green credentials and the city’s bike rental system installed by its former Socialist mayor.

But, shortly afterwards, other video footage flooded the internet revealing the apparently diligent cyclists were escorted by two petrol-powered armoured cars assigned to protect them.

During the stunt, images were posted of an assistant hanging out of the passenger window of one of the vehicles, enthusiastically taking pictures of his cycling bosses to show online.

Internet claims were made that the minister also took a private jet to reach the city but fact-checkers say that was not the case. Ministry officials said she travelled by train.

It is unclear how other European ministers reached the Spanish city for the summit, at which the attendees are discussing biodiversity and energy.

It is the first informal council of ministers held under the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union. The aim of the gathering of officials from the 27 Member States is to encourage a common outlook ahead of the next formal debate in a few months.