Robert Biedroń MEP, one of the leaders of the Left in Poland has advised women not to sleep with men who want to vote for the right wing Confederation party EPA-EFE/Andrzej Lange


Polish Right is ‘taking pleasure out of sex’


Wysokie Obcasy (High Heels), a women’s magazine distributed with Poland’s liberal leaning daily Gazeta Wyborcza, has published a text accusing the ruling Conservatives (PiS) of taking the pleasure out of sex for Poles.

Erectile dysfunction, frigidity and the general absence of enjoyment of sex are in many ways connected to the rule by PiS is the title of the article published in Wysokie Obcasy on October 2.

According to the piece, “PiS projects itself as a pro-family party. However, by tightening the law on abortion, limiting sex education and preventing same-sex marriage, the party is taking away the joy of sex from the Polish people, which leads to sexual dysfunction.”

The article asserts that the lack of sex education is condemning Polish youth to having to rely on pornography to learn about sex. It adds that this leads to “sexual dysfunction, a lack of pleasure and partners being unfaithful”.

Despite the claim, no evidence was provided that young people in countries with extensive sex education programmes are less liable to turn to pornography.

The article appears to put forward a dark vision of sexual repression, with psychologist Michał Sawicki claiming that “it is easy to control people by managing their sexuality.

“By limiting it, the government has greater control over society. Step by step, our rights over having sex are being limited.”

Sawicki recommended that the emergency birth-control “day after pill” should be available without prescription and that contraception should be made freely accesible to reduce stress among women.

While he acknowledged that condoms are legal he said he feared the PiS may want to make them illegal.

The sex expert argued that “the rhetoric of the ruling party on sexuality can lead to all kinds of dysfunctions such as frigidity or erectile dysfunction”.

He also takes pot-shots at the right-wing Confederation: “They are damaging men with their macho image and patriarchy,” he said.

“In fact, they are misogynists and homophobes who cause young men to be stunted in their social skills, effectively unable to enjoy relationships and sex.”

Also targeting Confederation supporters, Biedroń on commercial TV network TVN called on women to refuse to sleep with men who back the party in a bid to persuade them to change their minds.

“Girls, if a guy tells you he wants to vote Confederation don’t go to bed with him. They need to be scared,” he said.

He added that it was vital that the opposition created a “democratic cordon sanitaire” preventing the Right from winning the October 15 national elections, apparently using the term cordon sanitaire to mean a form of chastity belt in this case.

Regarding Biedroń’s comments, Samuela Torkowska, one of the Confederation’s election candidates, tweeted: “Totally agree! Don’t go to bed with him, go to the altar.”