American commentator Tucker Carlson made a surprise appearance in Madrid EPA-EFE/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH


Spain’s Vox signs up Tucker Carlson for Catalan amnesty fight


Tucker Carlson made a surprise appearance in Madrid last night, when the conservative US news host joined protests against Spain’s proposed Catalan amnesty law outside Socialist Party headquarters.

Santiago Abascal’s Vox Party invited Carlson to Madrid as part of a coordinated international strategy against the proposed amnesty law. Spain’s PM Pedro Sánchez introduced the law yesterday, as he needs support from Catalan separatists to remain in office after July’s snap election.

“We brought Tucker Carlson to Ferraz”, the street that houses Socialist Party headquarters, says Abascal.

Carlson is “well informed about the Socialist-led coup against Spain and the Constitution”, he adds.

“We want Tucker Carlson to see firsthand how the Spaniards oppose Pedro Sánchez’s coup,” tweeted Vox.

The Socialists and Catalan separatists “are trying to end the Rule of Law in Spain”, says Carlson.

Protests against the amnesty “deserve more coverage”, he adds.

“Anybody who would violate your Constitution, potentially use physical violence to end democracy is a tyrant, is a dictator,” something which “is happening right in the middle of Europe,” he says.

Vox’s speaker in Parliament, Pepa Millán, thanked Tucker Carlson for his support.

The world “has to know what is happening in Spain,” she says.

The Spanish news media is “censoring the betrayal of the socialist regime”, says Revuelta, one organisation helping organise the protests.

In late October, Vox’s think tank Fundación Disenso wrote a report opposing the amnesty, which was sent to all 705 MEPs.

Vox released two videos this week, in English and French, to convince overseas audiences that Sánchez has “initiated an assault on the nation, democracy, and the Rule of Law.”

“If elected president with these bought votes, the Spanish government will be an illegal one, sustained by illegitimacy,” says the party.

Opponents call the Catalan amnesty law “the worst infringement of the rule of law ever committed in the EU.”

EU justice commissioner Didier Reynders expresses “serious concerns” about the draft law also. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, a Spaniard (and Catalan), has echoed Reynders’s comments.