Former CEO of state fuel giant "Orlen" during the lifetime of the PiS government is stadning in the European parliamentary elections but Tusk's government prosecutors are oin hot pursuit. EPA-EFE/RADEK PIETRUSZKA


Polish election candidate plays cat-and-mouse with prosecutors


Daniel Obajtek, the former CEO of Polish fuel giant Orlen and an EU election candidate for the opposition Law and Justice (PiS) party in Poland, is being pursued by prosecutors.

According to Justice Minister Adam Bodnar, Obajtek is being investigated over his activities in the energy company, with the ruling Civic Coalition (KO) accusing him of using his influence to illegally help PiS.

Authorities have now ordered Obajtek to appear before a parliamentary investigative committee on June 7.

In response, the PiS politician said that he would not “participate in a circus put on by the KO” ahead of the European elections.

“My attorney is fully authorised to represent me and I have a hope, maybe forlorn, that I will be able to finish my election campaign in peace,” the former CEO stated.

The prosecution service on June 3 claimed it had not received any such authorisation. It added that its summons for Obajtek to appear could not be served as he was not present at any of the addresses he is registered as residing at.

Prosecutors then threatened that Obajtek could be arrested if he did not comply, though such a threat now appears to have been withdrawn as contact between authorities and the politician’s lawyers was reportedly confirmed on June 4.

The two sides were now in talks regarding a suitable date for him to be questioned by prosecutors.

Authorities have added that if Obajtek succeeds in being elected to the European Parliament, they would have to ask for his immunity to be lifted to allow their investigation to continue.

They have added that he continues to run the risk of arrest if he fails to properly comply with the ongoing investigation.