Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders (R) and Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) party leader Caroline van der Plas (L) speak to the press after formation talks. EPA-EFE/ROBIN UTRECHT


‘We agree on everything’: Wilders announces new Dutch Government


Geert Wilders, leader of hard-right Freedom Party (PVV), has announced the formation of a new Dutch Government.

The PVV, the Liberal VVD, the centrist New Social Contract (NSC) and the centre-right Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) finalised their agreement on June 11 to form the most right-wing cabinet in decades.

Wilders broke the news on X. “We made a decision. Agreement on everything! A new cabinet,” he wrote, adding a smiley-face icon.

Speaking to the media, Wilders, accompanied by a jubilant BBB party leader Caroline van der Plas, said: “We are very happy, there is a deal now, [on] the people, the distribution. You will hear more in the coming hours, days.”

NSC leader Pieter Omtzigt said he was “optimistic” and that announcements on the ministerial team would be made soon.

Dutch media reported that the four parties decided to have 16 ministers, including the Prime Minister.

That would mean the new government was smaller than the previous one, which had 20 ministers.

PVV reportedly leads the pack, obtaining five ministries. The VVD and the NSC each get four. The BBB would be the smallest, with two ministries.

Journalists said BBB was hoping for more. It is relatively small in the Dutch Parliament but in the Senate, it carries more weight, giving it extra bargaining power.

Still, the main elements of the agreed government, which were published mid-May, indicated BBB had already won a number of concessions. The new Conservative administration stated it will reign in environmentalist legislation and will give much more leeway to farmers.

Prime Minister of the new cabinet will be Dick Schoof, a top civil servant who previously served as National Co-ordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, and director-general of the General Intelligence and Security Service.

Schoof has history with the PvdA party. He was a passive member for more than 30 years until he departed in early 2021.

The goal is to have a cabinet that gives more power to the parliament and where half of the ministers come from outside politics.

There will be hearings in the parliament where the candidates will be grilled.

The aim is to conclude deliberations in June and then officially install the new Dutch Government.