The EU court of Justice can be dangerous for young women. EPA-EFE/Mohammed Badra


EU Court of Justice judge ‘accused of sexual harassment’


Dutch investigative news platform Follow the Money (FTM) has reported that a judge with the Court of Justice of the European Union allegedly sexually harassed law students.

According to FTM report on July 23, the alleged incident happened in March 2023 during a legal competition in Luxembourg called The European Law Moot Court, where one of Europe’s top judges was at a dinner with a group of 10 students.

A young lawyer has claimed that the judge asked the roommate of one of the female students: “What is it like to sleep in the same room with a woman like [her]?”

The lawyer told FTM: “I wasn’t quite sure whether he would leave it at inappropriate comments.”

The dinner took place at a sushi restaurant owned by the judge’s acquaintances, according to two anonymous sources. After most guests departed, around midnight the judge, in his 50s, and remaining attendees moved to another bar where things allegedly went too far.

Those who had attended previous such competitions told FTM similar behaviour was not unusual.

Some alleged the judge in question frequently acted inappropriately, particularly during after-dinner parties. They reported that, each year, there was a concerted effort to shield young female students from the judge’s unwanted advances.

FTM noted that this was not the first time a judge from the EU court had been faced with complaints of alleged transgressive behaviour.

“In one case, a Slovenian judge stepped down ‘of his own accord’ following allegations of a sexually violent relationship with a subordinate,” FTM wrote.

Brussels Signal asked the ombudsman for a reaction on this issue but the ombudsman’s spokeswoman said they “have no comment on this”.

One former contestant claimed that the judge suggested he could help arrange court jobs for them, while he apparently also tried to get in touch with young women via social media platforms such as LinkedIn, WhatsApp and Instagram.

“For example, he sent one woman insinuating messages, seen by Follow the Money, in the middle of the night, complimenting her on her dancing skills and a sending virtual wink in allusion to future encounters,” said the unnamed source.

The judge denied the allegations in a statement to FTM, which he also shared with the organisation. In that statement, he claimed he “only had friendly, professional and courteous relations with participants” and denied having had “any kind of romantic relations with participants”.

“I have never intentionally touched any person involved in the ELMC [European Law Moot Court competition] with an erotic insinuation or connotation.”

He did admit he “may have underestimated” that “external perceptions” of his behaviour could differ.

“Therefore, if my appearance at any ELMC social events, unintentionally as far as I am concerned, made any participant feel uncomfortable in my presence, I am deeply sorry and, if given the opportunity, would like to personally apologise to the individuals concerned,” the judge said.

European Law Moot Court (ELMC) is an annual international competition in European Union Law for students and is one of the most important moot court competitions in the world. In it, law students argue hypothetical cases for practice.