The Seine is still too dirty to swim in despite French President Emmanuel Macron's plan to reduce the amount of poop-related contaminants in the river. (Photo by Lars Baron/Getty Images)


Seine still too dirty to swim in despite Macron’s ‘anti-poop plan’


The Seine in Paris is still too dirty to swim in despite French President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to reduce the amount of excrement-related contaminants in the river.

Macron and organisers had hoped to hold the swimming section of the Paris Olympic Games triathlons in the river — being the first games to do so in a real river since 1900 — with the President having repeatedly promised to have the it cleaned in time for the events.

Despite that, Reuters reported that the July 29 training session in the water body was cancelled after tests over the weekend showed it was not sufficiently safe.

The first race is set to take place on July 30.

While authorities did not clarify what exactly was wrong with the river, Le Figaro reported that much of the concern has historically been related high levels of E.Coli and enterococci bacteria.

The two contaminants have been linked to traces of human faeces that is usually washed into the river by rainwater.

“They still seem really hopeful for men tomorrow and women Wednesday,” Dan Hugo, a coach for Team Bermuda commented, before adding that a contingency plan was in place to move the races to August 2 if the river continued to pose problems.

The dirtiness of the river Seine has been one of the many sticking points for Macron’s Olympics, alongside sabotage plots, controversies and gaffes that have plagued the Games since they began last week.

Macron’s oath that he would swim in the Parisien river after its successful clean-up appeared to arouse rebelliousness among French voters.

In response to the announcement, netizens in the country plotted to co-ordinate their bowel movements in the hopes of sabotaging the President, with social media users suggesting that if one could use a restroom in the Île-de-France region at the right time, they could make the Macron swim in their excrement.

The President has not appeared keen to give any of his critics that satisfaction, announcing earlier in July that, while he would swim in the river, it may not be until after the Olympics.

Paris’ left-wing mayor, Anne Hidalgo, did not chicken out, taking a public dip in the Seine a week before the Olympics began.

Subsequent water testing showed that the water was not up to safety standards at the time of her plunge due to the presence of faecal bacteria, including E. Coli.