Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico threatened to halt diesel deliveries to Ukraine if Kyiv did not restore oil flow from the Russian company Lukoil through the Slovakian territory.(Photo by Zuzana Gogova/Getty Images)


Slovakia threatens to halt diesel supply to Ukraine


Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has threatened to halt diesel deliveries to Ukraine if Kyiv does not resume the transit of oil via Ukraine to Slovakia from Russian energy giant Lukoil.

“If the transit of Russian crude through Ukraine is not renewed in a short time, in that case, [Slovak refiner] Slovnaft will not continue supplying diesel to Ukraine,” Fico said in a Facebook video message on July 29.

According to the PM, Slovak deliveries account for a tenth of Ukraine‘s diesel consumption.

Slovakia has been under pressure since Ukraine sanctioned Moscow in June by preventing Lukoil, Russia’s second-biggest oil company, from using its infrastructure to export crude to Europe.

Slovakia is not the only country affected by Kyiv’s decision to block the company.

The stoppage regards deliveries via the southern stretch of the Duzhba pipeline, which runs through Ukraine to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

Earlier in July, Hungary demanded action from the European Union after Ukraine cut off Budapest from much of its Russian oil supply.

Fico’s announcement could potentially pressure the Ukrainian Government.

On July 26, he proposed a technical solution to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal to restore oil flows, without specifying details but saying it would have to involve multiple countries.

“I have repeatedly discussed the issue of Russian oil transit through Ukraine with Prime Minister Shmyhal by telephone. I have proposed to our Ukrainian partner a technical solution in which several States, including Slovakia, should participate,” Fico said

“I expect intensive negotiations to take place at the highest political and professional level in the hours and days ahead,” he added.

Hungary declared on July 23 that it would obstruct EU reimbursements for Member States that have delivered munitions to Ukraine until Kyiv permitted the transit of oil from Lukoil through a pipeline across its territory.

According to Budapest, Ukraine is attempting to “blackmail” Slovakia and Hungary with an oil embargo over both countries’ positions on Russia’s invasion.

Both Slovakia and Hungary have opposed Western allies’ military aid to Ukraine as it fights Russia’s invasion.