Geert Wilders (PVV) is receiving unwanted packages. EPA-EFE/REMKO DE WAAL


Wilders target of disgusting packages campaign


Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch hard-right Freedom Party (PVV), has been the victim of a revolting campaign.

An unidentified person has been sending packages with used toilet paper and excrement to his offices in the Dutch Parliament.

Wilders posted on X about the matter, where he noted that at least they were not letter bombs, but asked the perpetrator to stop sending the disgusting parcels.

“Would the person who’s been sending me packages containing toilet paper and faeces to my parliamentary office address today and several times before please knock it off? It’s truly sick beyond words, and the parliamentary staff certainly don’t fancy dealing with it either,” Wilders wrote.

It is unlikely he was personally confronted with the contents of the packages but civil servants working for the parliament and employees of the post office probably did.

If the culprit is known to the police, their DNA might be traced to identify him or her.

The unsavoury campaign is reminiscent of North Korea’s sending of balloons filled with excrement and waste over South Korea in May.