Working classes of Europe are treated with contempt by ideologues of the EU

Working class people in Dublin protest against hundreds of migrants being moved into their community, but the EU will only despise them (Photo by Natalia Campos/Getty Images)


When Josef Stalin settled on the Oder-Neisse line as the boundary between the Soviet bloc and what would become the NATO-dominated free Europe, the last outcome that he intended was that the Soviet-conquered territories would become a bastion and heartland of European freedom.

Yet it is precisely what has happened. Those states that fell under the influence of Moscow, having already been conquered by the Nazis – Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and the east part of Germany, formerly part of the hilariously-named German Democratic Republic – today stand as defenders of European values against military conquest by Russia and assimilative conquest by immigrant culture. 

The latter assertion might not merely seem extreme, but even to mention it as a possibility would be accounted illegal under current law in Germany and will soon probably become illegal under intended laws in the United Kingdom and Ireland. But when diagnosis of an ailment is criminalised, how might a cure be found? 

What is today is not what was yesterday: or, very roughly, Newton’s Third Law of dynamics on human affairs means that for every action there is over time an opposite reaction. Having experienced two kinds of heathen totalitarianism, in which millions of people were enslaved and slaughtered and their religions persecuted, the countries of Eastern Europe are not now going to surrender their hard-won sovereignty and their identity to the morally and culturally trivial precepts of the secular mandarins of Brussels. 

The foundation stone of the EU, formerly the EEC, was that the intended outcome would be European unity. As the former metamorphosed into the latter, and as immigration transformed the capitals of Europe into capitals of Very Definitely Not Europe, the hitherto docile working classes of the EU began to wake up and sense that a great cultural and civilisational betrayal was underway. However, in eastern Europe, the rejection of the Great Brussels Scheme has been far more general and widespread and therefore more politically successful.

Wherever this awaking has occurred, in the East or the West, it is invariably called “far-right” by the Euro-mandarins and their servile mouthpieces in the media. What does that term mean? It means nothing other than that the left-liberal media detest dissent and will enlist the services of the vocabulary of philophobia to describe it: Islamophobia, xenophobia, nativism, racism, yawn yawn yawn. 

The standard liberal reaction to what is called “populism” is that  “European far-right” groups work to a coherent programme. The evidence suggests otherwise. The German Eurosceptic party the AfD was suspended from the Identity and Democracy grouping within the European Union after one of its elected MEP’s, Maximilian Krah, said that that not all SS men were criminals.

From Denmark to Czechoslovakia, parties within the ID grouping sought the expulsion of AfD. The rights and wrongs of this issue are an argument for another day: what is clear that Eurosceptics do not work to an agreed populist programme, whereas their opponents do. A Catholic bishop in Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia, has even banned an altar-server because he is a member of AfD. Not coincidentally, North Rhine-Westphalia was a confection of the British occupation, not of the Soviet. 

Across Europe, from the Oder-Neisse line to Galway Bay, government and the media refuse to believe that working class resentment at what is happening to their cities is not the product of some evil right-wing conspiracy. As in the US in 2020, behind leftist violence is a “cause.” Behind (so-called) “far-right” violence lies a sinister cabal manipulating uneducated working-class dupes.

Despite these officially-authorised caricatures, Eurosceptic parties have emerged across the EU, wherever indigenous working-class families have been driven out of their traditional areas by immigration. This problem has become especially acute when the new-comers prudently lie and call themselves “asylum seekers” or “refugees.” This protected status often enables them to jump waiting lists, most especially in Ireland whose Official Attitude to all immigration has been that the Irish were once mass-immigrants, and they were warmly welcomed wherever they went. Tell that to the conquered American, Australian and New Zealand aboriginal natives whom they displaced. 

The high price of naïve kindliness was recently revealed in a Dublin suburb, where three years ago a schoolteacher temporarily lent his house rent-free to Afghan refugees. They are now refusing to move unless the Irish government gives them a home in the same area, right beside the sea, which one doesn’t see too much of in Afghanistan, while Ireland’s absurd tenancy laws make it almost impossible to evict them. Meanwhile, Irish government sources are even blaming the Ku Klux Klan for recent anti-immigrant riots in Dublin, though the KKK is virtually extinct in the USA, while for the first time ever, the Irish police have imported water-cannon for use against anti-immigrant protests.

The “logic” justifying continued immigration from what used to be Third World Countries is that European states need immigrants to run their factories, hospitals and their old peoples’ homes, as if the newcomers were infertile Zombies without a culture or desires of their own and would never get old. Immigrants arrive with their own religion, habits and attitude and problems, and apparently to virtually everyone’s great surprise, one day will need to be cared for  also. Who will do that? More immigrants? 

It is one of the more arcane mysteries of mathematics that no circle is capable of precisely matching the area enclosed within a square. Immigration works similarly: it might work wonders for the host society, and when controlled often does, but not without causing some distress, when uncontrolled can also wreak havoc, as it has in Paris, Brussels, London, Leicester, Bradford, Malmo and dozens of other cities across Europe. The circle of a happy society cannot be enclosed in a square of uncontrolled immigration. 

West of the Oder-Neisse line, ideologically-liberal government are clinging onto office while their disenfranchised electorates watch powerlessly as immigrants arrive in their many thousands across the Mediterranean via Africa. This is an existential threat without comparison since the Middle Ages, when Magyars, Slavs and Austrians repelled attacks from Mongol and Turkic invaders. The EU apparatchiks might not remember these assaults, but on the marches of Eastern Europe, these events lie deep in the DNA of popular tribal memory. The barbarities the Bosnian civil war of the 1990s were in part a legacy of that ancient tribalism.

The western part of Europe was rescued from Nazism by the common-law anglophone states of the UK, North America, Australia and New Zealand. The civil society that they introduced has not proved to be culturally resilient, nor has it at home. Both the US and the UK have essentially abandoned any pretence at immigration control, while the current British Prime Minister Keir Starmer not merely believes that women can have penises (presumably just one each) but also publicly genuflected before the sacrilegious shrine of black lives matter, (which is now so deeply embedded in Anglophone culture that my laptop insists I spell the term with capitals). 

Nearly ten years ago, Germany opened the doors to mass immigration from North Africa/West Asia, irreversibly changing the nature of German society. Who now speaks for the powerless British, French, Danish, German, Belgian, Czech working classes seeing their neighbourhoods transformed by demographic forces outside their control, while ideologically-driven “human rights lawyers” protect the interests of the incomers? 

Without decent, fluent, law-abiding counsel powerfully arguing for these otherwise powerless natives, neo-Nazi thugs will inevitably pick up the gauntlet. The astonishing thing is that such evil voices have not yet been heard; it is trusting too much in good luck and in the kindness of human nature for this to continue very much longer. But either way, we all know that there is one voice that will not speak up for the interests of Europe’s native working classes: that of von der Leyen’s European Union.

Kevin Myers is an Irish journalist, author and broadcaster. He has reported on the wars in Northern Ireland, where he worked throughout the 1970s, Beirut and Bosnia.