ARCHIVE IMAGE - Ireland's former European People's Party (EPP) Prime Minister is reportedly palling around with Nancy Pelosi at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)


Former EPP PM of Ireland cosies up to Pelosi at Democrat convention


Ireland’s former European People’s Party (EPP) prime minister, Leo Varadkar, is reportedly palling about with ex-US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

According to a report on August 22 by The Irish Independent, the island’s ex-Taoiseach Varadkar is being treated as a guest of honour by senior left-wing lawmakers.

The Irish politician — who still sits as a member of the Irish Parliament for the EPP-affiliated Fine Gael party– was described as cheering on the Democratic Party’s vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz during his August 21 speech at the convention.

He was also thought to be at speeches given by former US President Barrack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama — the latter of whom has become a senior Democratic figure in her own right in recent years.

Varadkar shared images from his attendance at the convention on his official Instagram account.

According to a report by research platform EU Matrix, Fine Gael MEP Maria Walsh was the EPP representative most in favour of an open European Union migration policy during the last European Parliament session.

Another Irish MEP, Barry Andrews of Fianna Fáil party, was rated the most in favour of an open migration policy within the Liberal Renew group in the EP.

Both parties are currently in coalition in Ireland alongside members of the country’s Green Party.