The subway in Brussels is a bit safer again. (Photo by Ben Pruchnie/Getty Images)


Police arrest ‘revolting Brussels Metro YouTube prankster’ YaNike


YaNike, the infamous Brussels-based YouTuber known for throwing buckets of excrement, oil and other filth over unsuspecting victims on the city’s Metro system, has been arrested and held in custody following his latest stunt.

A judge ordered his detention on August 27; the YouTuber is under pre-trial arrest.

YaNike allegedly resisted arrest and the police said they found tear-gas sprayers in his possession, which are illegal in Belgium.

His series of offensive “prank” videos sparked public outrage and previously led to his arrest in January on suspicion of intentional battery and injury, property damage and destruction of property by force.

Despite that legal action and the removal of his previous content from social media platforms, YaNike continued to pursue online notoriety and allegedly kept assaulting people on his video’s.

Belgian media reported it appeared he consciously targeted vulnerable persons and, because of that, the public prosecutor in Brussels had “added additional claims to his file”.

The investigating judge indicted him for non-compliance with his conditions of release, including alleged abusive treatment, unruly behaviour, possession of prohibited weapons, causing intentional injury, destruction of public property and distribution of what was termed dangerous-looking substances.

The judge decided to keep him in custody in Haren Prsion on the basis that YaNike continued to pose a threat to public safety.

Despite his foul efforts, YaNike had only managed to gain a relatively small following on social media.