Unfashionable truth: Democrats’ ideological dynasty is destroying America

Kennedy helps Trump and the Democrats don't like it (Photo by Rebecca Noble/Getty Images)


In an American presidential campaign that has so far been marked by the complete absence of one of the candidates, bizarrely resulting in her heading most opinion polls, matters have been vastly illuminated by the effective departure of the outsider, Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy. His stunning ave atque vale address, delivered to a typically ignorant and ignoring media, should be compulsory viewing for all who wish to understand the tragedy that is destroying the USA.

Unless that enfolding horror is reversed, the USA is doomed. That is not some hysterical fancy, but a clinically verifiable truth: what will kill the American people is the government-funded corruption of the capitalism that made the USA the most powerful polity in world history.

Kennedy is certainly an eccentric. He is an anti-vaccinator, whose opposition to Covid-prevention to my mind seemed (to say the least) irresponsible. That does not mean he is wrong on all matters. The USA has a deplorable history not merely of ignoring prophets of doom but also vilifying them, the most significant of whom was Senator Joe McCarthy. His warnings about the deep communist penetration of American institutions were largely justified, though his own case was weakened by his reckless and often alcoholic braggadocio. Having been censured by the Senate, his name remains a by-word for an unjustified witch-hunt.

In fact, he became victim of a wholly unjustified “McCarthyite” witch-hunt.  The publication of the Venona Papers after the fall of the Berlin, which confirmed most of his allegations, has neither managed to restore his good name nor affirmed the dreadful reality of the crypto-Marxist subversion of American institutions. After the George Floyd riots of four years ago, it became clear how successful that penetration had been in American colleges and schools. An aversion to unfashionable truth is invariably a pathway to fashionable tyranny, which in the USA now goes by the new blessed trinity: diversity, equity, inclusion.

A year before Robert Kennedy’s uncle was murdered in Dallas, came the release of the film The Manchurian Candidate, about an American soldier who was brainwashed into becoming an agent for Chinese/Soviet communism. The long reach of a contaminated political system has this year seen the (probably illegal) nomination of the Democratic candidate for the US Presidency. However, it would be wrong to say that Kamala Harris has been brainwashed, because the poor woman clearly has no brain to wash. She is the Womanchurian candidate, a programmed autocue-zombie that will do whatever a thoroughly corrupted Democratic political machine will tell her to do.

A two-term presidency by her would probably spell the end of the USA.  By that time, not merely would a greater part of the American population have been poisoned by the combined effects of the processed-food and agricultural industries, the pharmaceutical sector would dominate the entire US economy as its drugs attempted (futilely) to cure the American people of the ailments induced by the first two industries. All three are of course government subsidised. 

This is not a “conspiracy theory.” Such theories depend on secrecy, and there is no secret here. These are verifiable facts, which Kennedy revisited as he announced his partial endorsement of the Trump candidature and the semi-formal creation of a Unity Party. The American people are being poisoned by the mass-consumption of government-subsidised processed foods and of soft drinks containing government-subsidised corn-syrup. The young liver cannot metabolise this form of fructose, for which there has been no evolutionary preparation, so in panic it dumps it as fat. The outcome is that 18 per cent (or nearly one in five) of American teenagers have fatty-liver disease, which hitherto has been the monopoly of end-of-life alcoholics.

This, plus other disabilities, mean that 77 per cent of the age-eligible cohort are unable to serve in the US military. These ailments include autism, formerly a one in 70,000 affliction: today, one in 22 children in California now registers on the autism scale. Admittedly, this might be because doctors are hyper-diagnosing, having entered a corrupting cycle in which they are rewarded by the pharmaceutical industry which in turn is subsidised by the US Government. The same doom-loop is evident in the industrialised alchemy of personalised mood-improvement: one quarter of all American women are on anti-depressant drugs. Meanwhile, oestrogen-dosing in food and medication has become so universal that it is fuelling the obesity epidemic while being a major cause of cancer: one in eight of American women will get malignant breast-tumours. 

Kennedy might well have been exaggerating when he directly connected the former executives of the tobacco industry with today’s toxic food-processing industry, but since the two industries require moral criminals to function efficiently and profitably, it sounds like a good bet. That this part of his speech was largely ignored by the media is perhaps the most depressing aspect of what is happening to both the USA and most Anglophone countries across the world. It is not the truth that counts any more, but the (often spurious) liberal credentials of the competing candidates that carry the real weight for journalists. 

Had any Republican travelled across the USA to view the execution of a mentally-deranged man whose plea for mercy he had already rejected, as Bill Clinton did with Ricky Ray Rector when Governor of Arkansas, he would be vilified by the media. Likewise for the drone-strikes that Clinton ordered on a powdered milk factory in Sudan to coincide with the revelations about his sexual frolics with a youthful intern, and which inside the Pentagon were wryly known as Operation Monica.  No President in US history has personally authorised so many political assassinations as Barack Obama, but you’d never guess that from those syrupy media-portrayals of him, would you?  

RFK Junior clearly has a sentimentalised view of his father and his uncle that would not survive non-familial scrutiny. But that is not why the liberal media refused to report the main body of his address, while headlining the opposition of the Kennedy family to his endorsement of Trump. For that, simply, is the key. The media agenda is defined by anything that seems to hurt Trump. To be sure, much of the Kennedy clan’s dislike of Trump is well-founded. He can often be a foul man, and his vices are manifold. But on balance, he is 100 per cent on solid ground when worrying about the future of the USA under the Democrats’ ideological dynasty, with the diseased Clinton/Obama alliance at its core. 

Trump is also right in wanting to end the Ukrainian war as quickly as possible, before that poor battered country has lost its last surviving young adult male to the demographic and technological colossus that is the surviving core of the USSR, namely Russia. Throwing more taxpayers’ money to embolden Kyiv with the delusion that it can get Donbas and Crimea back is utterly unjustifiable. Those lost provinces can no more be returned to Ukraine than Alaska to Russia, and it is morally and militarily deranged to waste young men’s lives in the fanciful pursuit of such uncatchable chimera. Yet Trump’s desire for peace, along with an end to America’s endless and unrealistic military adventures around the world, is usually portrayed by the liberal media as pro-Putinist appeasement, with Trump being in Putin’s pocket. 

But Trump is in no-one’s pocket. Firstly, his pursuit of peace in Ukraine will certainly be accompanied by a serious military and economic threat to Russia, which will make a rapid settlement both profitable and sensible for Putin. (It is certainly not the job of the US President to overthrow the elected head of territorially the largest country in the world.) Secondly, he genuinely wants the best for the ordinary working man and woman in the USA, for he stands to gain nothing whatever by fighting the corrupt and all-intrusive Democrat legal machine that has made open and transparent elections virtually impossible in the USA. 

Maybe the defection of Robert Kennedy, for all his faults (and they are many) will help swing the balance towards the traditional American values of personal responsibility and achievement according to abilities and application rather than by ideology and race.  I hope so: for what is almost certain is that the Union cannot survive with that ineducable idiot Harris guffawing hysterically in the Oval Office.

Though in wishing for her defeat, I am – alas – also implicitly denying the world the exquisite pleasure of hearing the outcome of her first one-to-one adviser-free summit-conference with Vladimir Putin, or if you like, Pocahontas vs Attila the Hun. In other words. how Russia really does manage to get back Alaska while Old Mexico is given New Mexico and Texas, plus Arizona as a little sweetener (corn-syrup, naturally). Oh yes, and Nigeria is given New York in apologetic reparation for the slaves it sold into the Middle Passage…

Kevin Myers is an Irish journalist, author and broadcaster. He has reported on the wars in Northern Ireland, where he worked throughout the 1970s, Beirut and Bosnia.