Blame German politicians and their EU elite friends for open border policies in Europe

Why has mass and illegal immigration plagued Europe? Start the blame here, with German politicians (Photo by Jeremy Moeller/Getty Images)


There are many reasons why European voters are turning to national conservative politics, but the most important one is mass and illegal immigration. And there are many reasons why this phenomenon has plagued Europe, but the most important one may be German politicians.

It has all happened during the last decade. While the Obama administration and the US Democrats were primarily responsible for the so-called Arab spring, which demolished a number of Maghreb and Middle Eastern countries, it was the European Union elites that encouraged the flow of so-called refugees into Europe.

First and foremost it was Germany, who imposed open border policies in Brussels. The reason is rather simple. Germany’s industrial output was in constant need of fresh and cheap labour. German and European workers, even in former eastern block countries, were getting older and more expensive.

So Germany’s interests met the globalists’ agenda and ideology and flooded Europe with Africans and Asians, many of whom were heavily influenced by Islamist teachings. Angela Merkel, George Soros, Barack Obama, and Klaus Schwab were rubbing their hands, as Europe found itself faced with a cultural and demographic invasion.

At first, well intentioned and kind hearted Europeans did not realise exactly what was being played. Brought up and educated in an affluent and tolerant background, they took the humanitarian disguise bait. But as time went by the effects of what was happening became all too apparent.

So people started reacting. Realising that not only were they being substituted while their political archons were orchestrating an attack on traditional values and the nuclear family, they started opting for new representatives. This is how and why during the last years national-conservative parties have been on the rise all around Europe.

And of course, since 2022 many Europeans are gravely concerned with the stance their governments have adopted on the war between Russia and Ukraine. Some believe that Europe has seen prices rise and its economy stall to a great extent because of sanctions and policies against Russia, which clearly did not work as intended.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his socialist SPD party have been at the forefront of all of this. Their decisions are now backfiring on them. The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) is surging. And while on a European Union level the SPD pulled off a narrow escape, forming another European alliance with liberals, the Greens and conservatives-in-name-only of the EPP, on a national level they risk being swept from power.

Scholz is therefore currently attempting a U-turn. Not only does he come forward as willing to mediate for a peace plan that would accept territorial concessions to Russia, but he also vows to toughen border control in Germany. He has even sent some illegal migrants – mainly Pakistanis – back to Greece.

Too little, too late. It is hard to believe that those who created the problem are the ones who either want to or can fix it. Germans themselves do not appear convinced. However it is always good to see governments resort to reason, even out of political desperation.