In interview with former MEP and EP Vice-President Alejo Vidal-Quadras.


EU policy on Iran ‘expected to get tougher’

Alejo Vidal-Quadras visited the Brussels Signal studio to discuss the report 'Europe’s Failed Policy Towards Iran'.


European institutions are likely to take a tougher stance against the Iranian regime, according to former MEP Alejo Vidal-Quadras, who survived an assassination attempt due to his anti-regime lobbying.

“Kallas [the newly appointed EU foreign policy chief] and Metsola [the re-elected EP President] are two women in key EU positions with character and principles,” Vidal-Quadras said, “and they should oversee a more robust EU policy.”

Allegations that Iran has been sending weapons to Russia should fuel this shift, he send in an interview with Brussels Signal.

Despite nearly losing his life, the former Vice President of the European Parliament (1999-2014) insists he will continue “to promote democracy and human rights,” but “not through politics.” That chapter “has closed,” he said.

Vidal-Quadras was in the EU capital to discuss a report titled Europe’s Failed Policy Towards Iran, presented by the International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ), an organisation he chairs.

The ISJ has long advocated for a shift in the European Union’s approach to the Iranian regime. Vidal-Quadras has described it as a “regime of terror and global destabilisation.”

He said he believed Iran was “a terrorist state rooted in dogma that will not change” and harshly criticised Europe’s strategy over the past 45 years. “The current policy portrays a weak image of the EU and emboldens adversaries to become more aggressive.”

Among the key points advocated for a new political era in Iran were democratic elections, the separation of power between religion and state, gender equality, a free market, an end to the financing of terrorism and the abolition of the death penalty.

The full video interview will be published soon. Stay tuned!