Netflix wants to degrade Western culture by insulting classical history

The god Dionysos, a white, straight, fertile male, and nothing but Greek since the 5th century B.C. (Photo by VCG Wilson/Corbis via Getty Images)


Netflix strikes again. Its new series “KAOS” has already stirred controversy and caused reactions. In its established woke fashion, this time the global entertainment network revisits the ancient Greek gods.

Needless to say, many in Greece are already outraged with the way Netflix portrays classical Greek mythology. Everyone on Mount Olympus – and beyond – is either gay, lesbian, queer, or transexual. In fact, this is a clear metaphor, as the LGBTQ cult is in many respects a new religion.

Of course, this is not the first time Netflix aims to dismantle and mis-portray the classical world. And it is not by chance or playful vice that this is happening. On the contrary, Netflix is applying the fundamentals of a very conscious agenda in its meticulous propaganda.

First, it struck by twisting pretty much everything about Homer’s Iliad and the Trojan War. Once it presented the world with a black Achilles, it went on to portray Cleopatra as black. Then it undertook the task of informing the world that Alexander the Great was first and foremost Alexander the Gay.

This is what the progressive woke agenda is all about when it comes to its well-lubricated propaganda arm. Every historical figure is taken out of his or her context, is broken away from the truth and shown as either black, or LGBTQ, or both.

This may seem like a bit of an oddity, a distasteful novelty, a rather ridiculous or even slightly amusing thing to older generations. Boomers, generation Xers, even millennials know, for example, that no 16th century king of England was black, gay, or disabled – as shown in a new recent series. But what about younger people?

This is where all this frenzy is aiming at. Netflix’s purposeful objective is to school next generations into forming a misconceived idea of the classical world. And in this endeavour the deconstruction of ancient Greece is of key importance.

It all makes perfect sense. If one wants to turn down the West, as every apostle of the woke movement does, one must start from its foundations.

Needless to say, the West as a concept and as a historical continuity that goes back at least 2,500 years, is based on particular cultural groundworks. Namely, the Greco-Roman and the Judeo-Christian world.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the age of Enlightenment, and the following era of modernity, classical Greece has been a beacon, a source of inspiration and an ideal. Back in the day, the elites were expected to know their Greek and Latin and no curriculum was complete without them.

Cultural, literary, philosophical, musical, theatrical, artistic, architectural and scientific achievements have for many centuries been fields of constant reference to ancient Greece. Colonial powers have even invoked their affinity with the classical world acting as its heirs, so as to justify their conquering faraway lands and their indigenous peoples.

This is exactly what postmodern thinkers have for the last decades been trying to bring down. It is the Frankfurt school and its disciples, Cultural Marxism and post-structural theory in full swing. It is exactly what we saw in the French Olympics opening ceremony.

So yes, Netflix does have a thing about classical Greece. According to its textbook, the Greek heritage must be demolished – same as the Roman and the Christian ones. “Carthago delenda est.” By the way, has there been a film with a transgender Hannibal yet, or should we expect it in the near future?