Deaths outnumber births in UK, population surges not through birth but through immigration

Watch the British population explode, not through births but through immigration (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)


Britain’s population is booming. The UK recorded its highest percentage increase in history last year, up one per cent to 63.8 million, according to figures released on October 8 by the Office for National Statistics. If not for one alarming statistic, the figures would have actually shrunk. Deaths outnumbered births for the first time last year, fifty years after the nation’s fertility rate fell below replacement level. Simply put, without net migration, the population would have fallen by 16,300.

Net migration hit a record high of 764,000 in 2022. Voters have been voicing their legitimate concerns about the number of people entering the country for years, and they are becoming increasingly frustrated with successive governments’ inaction. Ninety per cent of constituencies want immigration levels to be reduced, even when you consider that the public underestimated the total by a factor of ten.

What is so alarming is the speed of increase. Net migration has increased the number of people living in the United Kingdom by 3.7 million since 2010—more than the population of Wales. The percentage of foreign-born people living in the UK has almost trebled in thirty years.

If you only account for people entering the country, about 3.6 per cent of Britain’s total population has arrived in the last two years. To put this in context, the Huguenots, who are sometimes referred to as “Britain’s first refugees” arriving between the 16th and 17th century, made up about one per cent of the population. It took about fifty years to accomplish.

Although the great majority of immigrants enter the country legally, a sizable portion choose other means. A few days ago, the BBC reported that 26,612 people have entered Britain via the English Channel so far this year. It is estimated that the annual cost of accommodation is approximately £2.2 billion (€2.6 billion). Since data was first gathered in 2018, over 135,000 undocumented migrants have made this journey.

These people are left to wander the streets, either because they are in a state of bureaucratic limbo while waiting for an asylum decision, or because a lenient justice system refuses to deport them. Kurdish immigrant Brwa Shorsh, who shoved a man in front of a passing train had twelve convictions for twenty-one offences, yet continued to sleep homeless on the streets of London. Or, following three rejected applications, asylum was granted to the Clapham alkali attacker, Abdul Ezedi, who threw corrosive chemicals over a woman and her two young children. If these criminals had not been here, these crimes would not have occurred.

Naturally, this does not imply that native-born Britons are not criminals; rather it only indicates that the number of immigrants has increased crime. Politicians, lawyers, non-governmental organisations, and activists—the luxury-belief class—ignore, or simply fail to recognise this.

Mass immigration, along with its accompanying doctrine of multiculturalism has been a thirty-year flawed experiment. The notion that the West has entered a post-historical period in which cultural practices, religion, and ethnicity would liquify into a harmonious global community based on universal principles has proven to be dangerously false.

Across Europe, migrants are disproportionately overrepresented in crime statistics. Children born to non-Germans or migrants make up nearly 25 per cent of the German population. In spite of making up only 21 per cent of the population, foreign-born men between the ages of 18 and 29 commit 44 per cent of all violent crimes in Germany. In Sweden, where the same demographic is 20 percent, 35 per cent of people convicted of rape are from the Middle East or North Africa. In Denmark, immigrants are 13 per cent of the population but commit a quarter of violent crime, and comprise almost 50 per cent of the prison population.

It has shifted the Overton window, the “window of discourse”, to the right. Conner Rousseau of the left-wing Belgian Vooruit party acknowledged that multiculturalism had failed, while Mette Frederiksen, Prime minister of the centre-left Danish Social Democrats, has taken an anti-immigration stance.

Contrary to what relativists and advocates of multiculturalism say, not all cultures are equal. There are, of course, some crimes that are exclusive to certain ethnic and religious communities in Britain. Take Islamic honour-based violence. According to data there were 2,594 cases of honour-based abuse—which includes female genital mutilation, rape, forced marriage and assault—in 2022 a sixty per cent increase on 2020 and 193 per cent since 2016. Acid attacks on women—something which used to occur almost only in the Middle East and southeast Asia—have risen 75 per cent in Britain in one year.

When it comes to cultural isolation, the impact of cousin marriage is a powerful factor. A study by academic Patrick Nash estimates that 38-59 per cent of British Pakistanis are married to their first cousins. Family marriages are said to lead to a loss of trust and fragmented cohesion in the wider community.

Failure to integrate has resulted in a sectarian religious feud between Sunni and Shia Muslims over the screening of an Islamic film, inter-ethnic riots between Hindu nationalists and Islamists and radical Islamic preachers calling for a jihad on the streets of London. Meanwhile, our ruling class’s cowardice under the guise of political correctness resulted in a long-standing refusal to investigate men of Pakistani heritage who abused thousands of young white working-class girls. Ten years after the landmark Jay report revealed the extent of sexual abuse of children in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, prosecutions continue. Only last month, seven men of South Asian heritage were sentenced to 106 years in prison after being found guilty of sexually abusing two teenage girls in Rotherham.

While all these vile crimes destroy the lives of women, the result of consanguineous marriage also affects the unborn. A common feature of incestuous relationships are babies born with genetic abnormalities. A report from the east London borough of Redbridge found that twenty percent of child deaths occurred because the parents were closely related.

In the United Kingdom, identity is conceptualised civically rather than racially. It is inconsistent with our way of life to bring in such a large group of individuals who not only do not share our vision of Western liberal democracy but also adhere to misogynistic cultural practices and extremist ideologies. Not only is social cohesion important, it is essential if we want to get along with each other.