A terror cell aligned with the Islamic State has reportedly called for lone-wolf attacks on "LGBT" events in Germany. (Photo by Sascha Schuermann/Getty Images)


Islamic State-aligned terror faction calls for ‘revenge’ violence on German LGBT events


A terror cell aligned with the Islamic State (IS) has called for lone-wolf attacks on LGBT events in Germany, according to local news reports.

In an extremist magazine published on October 14 by the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISPK), reported by German journalists, the terrorist network appeared to celebrate the fatal August 23 attack in Solingen, North Rhine-Westphalia.

The incident at a pro-diversity event resulted in the death by stabbing of three individuals, with eight others injured. A Syrian migrant was arrested in relation to the assault.

ISPK has now called for similar “revenge” attacks to take place across Germany, asking lone wolves sympathetic to its radical form of Islam particularly to target LGBT events.

“O lone wolf, where are you?,” one graphic read in the magazine depicting a mix of knives and axes.

Martin Hess, an opposition Bundestag MP for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, took to social media to lambast the extremist publication.

Denouncing the Islamist call for more terror attacks, the politician also took aim at the country’s centre-left “traffic-light” government over the issue, suggesting Berlin’s open-borders policy towards migration had imported foreign terrorism into the country.

“Despite the attack in Solingen and this imported danger, the traffic-light government does not want to correct its destructive migration course,” he said.

“This is thanks to the migration-friendly Greens and the SPD, who once again — completely out of touch with reality — deny any connection between our security situation and mass migration.

The extremist IS publication was also reported by Bild to have security authorities worried, with the tabloid claiming to have spoken to a “high-ranking State security official” who regarded the call for violence as unprecedented.

“It was already clear that the terrorist organisation IS would claim responsibility for the Solingen attack. But this kind of celebration immediately includes a call for potential copycats,” authorities said.

“There is a real wave of young terrorists rolling in. And the targeted call to attack LGBT events is very alarming to us … This type of call is new.”