EU not all over by any means, but the old order is remorselessly receding

Madrid February 8, Viktor Orbán in the midst of the Patriots for Europe which has MEPs from 13 member states and is the third largest group sitting in the European Parliament (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)


The war has begun. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán has nailed his theses to the door. They are simple. The bureaucrats of Brussels have destroyed Europe. Because of Brussels, the European economy is slowly sinking. Because of Brussels, our money is being sent to Ukraine, to a hopeless war. Because of Brussels, Europe has been flooded with migrants. Brussels has opened the gates, opened the borders to the invasion of migrants. George Soros announced: one million migrants must be allowed into Europe every year. Hey, presto:  in the last nine years, nine million migrants have arrived in Europe. The migrant invasion of Europe, the population exchange, is not a conspiracy theory, but the practice itself. It’s time to look for new conspiracy theories because all the old ones have come true.

The EU is like a hierarchy with a theology but no priesthood, an army with generals but no infantry, a crusade with aspirations but no objectives. Orbán’s project to rewrite the EU as a union of patriotisms is gathering pace, with its recent conference in Madrid, one of the sorriest victims of the EU’s cosmopolitan hallucinations. Perhaps next he should try Munich, a city that is being sundered at the seams by uncontrolled immigration, with beggars and junkies in shop doorways and yes, and everywhere, yes everywhere, litter, the German equivalent of knickerless nuns turning tricks in the Vatican catacombs.

EU apparatchiks are of course appalled and mystified by ordinary people rejecting their unprincipled sanctimonies, though they do not need to look far to find out why: their capital Brussels is rapidly being converted into a souk, with Islamic law and lore the primary religious and cultural forces over much of the city. Historians will wonder how this was ever allowed to happen, and likewise, how those poor bewildered supporters of the CDU in Germany could become so hysterically upset over their party entering an agreement with AfD. Listen, you poor Christian Democrats, this is not 1933. Comparisons with the Nazis not merely do apply, far worse, they hopelessly corrupt discourse, not least because of their name: the Nazis were socialists. Like communists, they believed in the unlimited power of the state. Yes, there are some unpleasant aspects to AfD, but if it is to survive, it must keep its own house in order. 

Far more serious is the state of the EU. Up until about the day before yesterday, it believed in the unlimited powers of its cosmopolitan sanctimonies, while its indoctrinated and uncontrolled judges still do. The next venue for an Orbán rally should be Strasbourg, where the European Court of Human Rights sits. The court is not an EU organisation, but Brussels ensures it has power over EU member states. An Orbán rally could conclude with a mass eviction of the diseases that assail all those Eurojudges: The Defenestration of Plague.

The battle will not be easy. For a start, I am unhappy at Orban’s simplification of the war in Ukraine, though the Russian invasion would probably not have happened had Trump been re-elected in 2020. There remain many serious question marks over that election, which – if they are affirmed – will surely prove to have been perhaps the most catastrophic crime in the history of “liberal America”, (with those apostrophes consisting equally of venom and contempt). The ending of the war without Ukraine being reduced to a permanent satrapy of the Kremlin is the most pressing moral and strategic objective facing the world. Nonetheless, just imagine the pickle we should now be in if the Barack Obama-backed Kamala Harris now ruled in the White House, the Secretary of State was Samantha Power and with Cuba probably capturing Miami, Yes, well may you tremble…..

However, as we know too well, there is no European Trump, just a series of local trumpets across the EU, with Austria perhaps being the next country to defect from the suicide-pact that has been orchestrated from Brussels. Naturally, any Austrian resistance to this pact is already portrayed in the liberal media as neo-Nazi, though the real caricature of Europe’s future has been enacted in the Gaité Lyrique, Paris’s primary dance theatre. This was invaded last December by hundreds of Africans, who very reasonably (in their terms) offered to end their occupation in return for the city of Paris giving them all apartments: just one each. All very fair, surely? The only logical, sensible thing for Paris to have done was to have sent in the CRS with truncheons and tear-gas and evict them all back to the undeveloped wherever from which they came, but of course, logic and sense have little application in the Eurohell that between them Brussels and the “rights culture” of EU states have created. 

Le Figaro headlined its report, “Une Catastrophe Sanitaire,” and quoted one of the occupiers, Ousman, as declaring, “Le Pays des droits de l’Homme n’as pas tenu ses promesses,” (The country of the rights of Man doesn’t keep its promises). Ousman, who refused to give his full name, rather cannily claimed he was 16. These people are not stupid: it is the law in France that all local governments must give free accommodation to homeless under-18s, and so miraculously, the entire occupying army is same age as Ousman, giving them two years’ free accommodation. Moreover, if you say they’re older, you’re nothing but a racist, fascist Nazi pig! 

So, the stark contrasts between reality and the EU dream were truly embodied in one of Paris’s foremost dance theatres becoming a vast latrine for Africans. Likewise,  the following hocus-pocus was recently reported in Brussels Signal: “The European Commission has outlined its plans to simplify regulations in a move to boost competitiveness against the US and China….Promising the best of both worlds, on January 29 the commission said it would meet its Green Deal goals while boosting productivity, cut away red tape and clarify regulations….The EC said it wanted Europe to be the primary location for the development of future technologies, services and clean products….while also being the first continent to become ‘climate neutral’.”

Chad will house its president and his palace in a bathyscape beneath the Barents Sea long before Europe ever becomes “climate neutral”. It gets better, Stéphane Séjourné, the European Commission’s Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy proclaimed: “(Our) doctrine is simple and can be summed up in one key word: competitiveness.”

This is gibberish. Europe is about as competitive as a cubic shark, while the idiot’s job-title says it all. Prosperity and Industrial Strategy are two different concepts. Stalin’s Russia had industrial strategy but no prosperity, Monaco has prosperity but no industrial strategy. And as for the grandiloquent name, Executive Vice-Presidents for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy, does not every African country already have one? I believe that Tanzania has a breeding pair though of the Greater Crested variety, and they are no doubt expecting a happy announcement any day now. Indeed, almost by definition, Vice-Presidents for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy seldom improve anything but their bank accounts.

Not to be outdone by her exemplary Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen declared: “The Competitiveness Compass transforms the excellent recommendations of the Draghi report into a roadmap….So now we have a plan. We have the political will. What matters is speed and unity. The world is not waiting for us.”

Yes, and she probably thinks that the plural “speed and unity” command a singular verb, that a compass turns a report into a roadmap, and that Europe really does have a plan. In any sane society, people such as von der Leyen and Séjourné who bawled such nonsense in a public place would be confined in police cells until they sobered up. In the EU they are given high office, from which they issue palpable falsehoods, the most obvious and oft-repeated being that the President was elected. She was not. She was appointed by a curia of politicians. 

It is perhaps not coincidental that many of the rites and subterfuges of the EU mimic those of the Catholic Church. Quite simply, the spiritual core of the EU lies in the Treaty of Rome: it reeks of conclave, secret deals and the impenetrable mysteries of transubstantiation. This enables Pope Ursula to raise the monstrance containing the host that is called the EUcharist and to call on worshippers to bow in subjection. She consecrates in vain. The cathedral is emptying; the altar-boys are slinking homeward while the candles gutter and the church-bells glumly toll. It’s not all over by any means, but the old order is remorselessly receding. A reality that was born on Europe’s eastern plains, where Hungary once gallantly planted the banner of Christianity and thereafter defended its values, is now being borne westward on a Magyar wind. Orbán’s Europe of Patriots awaits its hour. 

Kevin Myers is an Irish journalist, author and broadcaster. He has reported on the wars in Northern Ireland, where he worked throughout the 1970s, Beirut and Bosnia.