Brussels Signal
Meet the Team

Ralph Schoellhammer

Gabriel Elefteriu

Chris Nelson
Challenging the status quo
Brussels Signal delivers reporting that questions prevailing ideas and policies, demands accountability from decision-makers, and counters the groupthink that shuts out critical voices on the questions confronting the Europe of today and tomorrow.
Several ideas inspire our approach:
- We are fundamentally sceptical of big government institutions unaccountable to their citizens. Just as all government should serve the people, the European Union should serve the citizens of Europe and remain true to the spirit and letter of the basic treaties.
- Ideas matter, Europe matters, and we aim to reinvigorate debate on the political, economic and cultural issues that confront today’s Europe.
- Journalism should serve the public at large, concerned with the quality of life, the future of Europe and its people. We are not merely a news site. We provoke, we entertain, we provide cultural reference and a window into the events that shape our daily lives.
These ideas appeal to a broad audience, people like you who are looking for a challenging alternative to today’s media echo chamber. Join us!
On press freedom and editorial independence at Brussels Signal
We launched Brussels Signal in 2023 with a mission to refresh the landscape of news media in Europe, to challenge the status quo with reporting and commentary that questions prevailing ideas and policies, demands accountability from decision-makers, and counters the group think that shuts out critical voices. In today’s media environment, press freedom and pluralism are as important as ever, and we aim to provide a credible alternative, free to encourage honest, open debate and candid discourse on new ideas and old, especially those that go against the grain.
Commitment to Independent Journalism
In pursuing that mission, we stand firm in our commitment at Brussels Signal to journalistic integrity and editorial independence. Editorial decisions are made in the newsroom by our editorial team – autonomously, guided solely by a dedication to truth, accuracy, and the public interest. No external influence—whether from political entities, advertisers, or other powerful interests—will compromise our editorial integrity. We are resolutely committed to challenging the status quo, questioning prevailing ideas, and demanding accountability from decision-makers across Europe.
Upholding Our Values
Inspired by our core beliefs, we approach journalism with a healthy scepticism of big government institutions that lack accountability to their citizens. We believe that government, including the institutions of the European Union and its member state governments, must serve the people. Our reporting is driven by the conviction that ideas matter and that Europe’s future hinges on open, vigorous debate on the political, economic, and cultural issues of our time.
Accountability and Serving the Public Interest
We pledge to maintain transparency in our editorial processes and to hold ourselves accountable to our readers. We will correct our mistakes promptly and openly, ensuring that our audience can trust the information we provide. Journalism at Brussels Signal is more than the delivery of news; it is a service to the public, concerned with the quality of life and the future of Europe and its peoples. We provoke, we entertain, and we offer a cultural lens through which our readers can view the events that shape our daily lives. We are dedicated to providing a challenging alternative to the media echo chamber, offering diverse perspectives that enrich the public discourse.
Our Independence, Your Trust
By affirming our editorial independence, we aim to build and maintain the trust of our readers. We believe that a free and independent press is essential to a healthy democracy – and to the future of Europe – and we are committed to upholding these principles in every piece of content we produce.
Join us in this endeavour, as we strive to reinvigorate the debate on Europe’s most pressing issues and to serve as a beacon of independent thought in the crowded media landscape.
Patrick Egan,
Founder & CEO, Remedia Europe
Brussels Signal is published by
Remedia Europe SRL
Rue Montoyer 40
Brussels 1000
Contact Us:
Email: [email protected]
Central office phone number: +32 2 733 4450