Israeli minister of national security Itamar Ben-Gvir (C) celebrates the Jewish holiday of Purim in the West Bank city of Hebron, 07 March 2023. Purim celebrates the Jews' salvation from genocide in ancient Persia, as recounted in the Scroll of Esther, and is marked with public celebrations. EPA-EFE/ATEF SAFADI


EU de-platforms ‘far-right’ Israeli minister by cancelling event


EU diplomats have de-platformed an Israeli minister by cancelling the event he was due to attend, according to reports.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir had previously been labelled “far-right” in the media over his opposition to Palestinian statehood and his push to allow Jews to pray at the al-Aqsa mosque complex on the Temple Mount.

According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Ben-Gvir had been selected by the Israeli government to speak at a ‘Europe Day’ diplomatic reception held by the EU delegation to Israel, despite protests by officials from within the bloc.

The politician’s national security ministry had reportedly said in advance that the Israeli nationalist politician had planned to use his speech to criticise EU states who gave funding to “initiatives against IDF soldiers and Israeli citizens”.

After Israeli authorities refused to replace Ben-Gvir, the delegation decided to cancel the event entirely.

“The EU Delegation to [Israel] is looking forward to celebrating Europe Day on May 9, as it does every year,” the body wrote online.

The decision to cancel was reportedly reached after a meeting from diplomats from across the bloc, with only officials from Hungary and Poland not having an issue with Ben-Gvir’s participation.

In response to his de-platforming, the Israeli minister expressed disappointment.

“It is a shame that the European Union, which claims to represent the values of democracy and multiculturalism, practices undiplomatic silencing,” he said in a statement.

“Friends know how to voice criticism, and true friends also know how to hear such”.

Ben-Gvir also reportedly added that he found it to be “an honour and a privilege” for him to “represent the Israeli government, the heroic IDF soldiers, and the people of Israel in every forum”.