German Chancellor Olaf Scholz poses for pictures after recording a televised address to the nation in Berlin, Germany, following the Russian military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. (Photo by Hannibal Hanschke - Pool/Getty Images)


Western countries considered guilty of double standards on Russia, says Scholz


India, Vietnam, and South Africa baulk at criticising Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because they believe the West is not consistent in its values and principles, according to German chancellor Olaf Scholz.

These countries expect “representation on equal terms, and an end to Western double standards”, he said.

Speaking at the Global Solutions Summit, a world policy forum aiming to address the main policy challenges of our times, the German head of state  reiterated thoughts he outlined on Europe Day and went further.

The chancellor stated there is a need for “new ways of global cooperation”. The international order “faces tremendous challenges.”

He stressed that any form of solution needs to “reflect the world’s multipolarity”.

Developing countries “have every right to aspire to the same level of prosperity, participation and global influence that citizens of Europe and North America enjoy”, he said. “That’s what the global order in the 21st century needs to reflect.”

Unlike other countries, Russia uses force in its foreign relations and doesn’t respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of other states, he said.

Many countries embrace the same values as the West but hesitate to criticise Russia. India, Vietnam, and South Africa have abstained from UN resolutions calling on Russia to end its invasion. “When I talk to leaders from those countries, many assure me that they are not questioning the underlying principles of our international order. What they are struggling with is the unequal application of those principles,” Scholz said.

Countries such as these want “representation on equal terms and an end to Western double standards.” Scholz said he believed these grievances need to be addressed in order to build a stable, global order. He added that he wants more African seats in the UN security council, and wants the African Union to be a formal member of the G20.