Greta Thunberg's statements backing Palestine after the terror attacks in Israel are "unspeakable", a German Green party minister has said. (Photo by Chris J Ratcliffe for Greenpeace via Getty Images)


German minister denounces Greta Thunberg’s ‘unspeakable’ pro-Palestinian statements


Greta Thunberg’s pro-Palestinian statements after the terror attacks in Israel are “unspeakable”, says a German Green party minister.

Thunberg and her Fridays For Future organisation are undermining confidence in the climate change movement with their comments on the Israel-Hamas war, argues environment minister Steffi Lemke.

“The unspeakable statements” by Thunberg and her organisation Fridays For Future “about the terrorist attack on Israel destroy the great trust that many people, especially young people, have in the integrity of the movement,” says Lemke.

It is now “urgently necessary” for Germany’s branch of Fridays For Future to distance itself from its parent body and affirm its support for Israel, Lemke adds.

Germany’s Fridays For Future branch has already had to distance itself from other branches over their near-unanimous support for the Palestinian side in recent days.

Luisa Neubauer, the head of the German branch, emphasised last week her organisation does “not agree with the content” put out by its international counterparts. The group is “outraged” by the Hamas terror attacks on civilians, it previously said.

Climate activists outside Germany have meanwhile taken openly pro-Palestine stances on the current conflict.

Thunberg’s post demanding people “stand with Gaza” prompted accusations last week of anti-Semitism.

One photo of the activist sitting with an octopus soft toy has provoked particular controversy.

Anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists often use octopus imagery to claim Jews have global control over the media and international politics.

Thunberg ended up deleting the post, saying she was unaware of the connotation and that the octopus instead was linked to her autism.

Fridays For Future however has continued with accusations the Western media is disproportionately pro-Israel, accusing media outlets across Europe and the United States of lying to the public to bolster support for the Middle-Eastern democracy.