Over 800,000 asylum claims have already been made in Europe this year, a leak from within the European Commission shows. (Photo by Ivan Romano/Getty Images)


Over 800,000 asylum claims made in Europe this year, leaked EC document shows


More than 800,000 asylum claims have been made in Europe so far this year, a leak from within the European Commission shows.

According to a report by German news outlet Die Welt, data gathered by the EU Asylum Agency (EUAA) show that 801,459 claims have been made in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland as of October 3.

Contained within the confidential EC report leaked to the outlet, the information appears to indicate that 2023 may end up being the highest year for EU asylum claims since 2016.

The East of the continent appears to have taken the brunt of the migration surge, with asylum claims spiking by more than 100 per cent in Latvia and Estonia over the same period in 2022.

Germany also saw a sizeable increase in claims, with the number of applications rising by 74 per cent.

In the EU, Hungary has seen the fewest number of asylum claims. Only 26 people have so far applied for international protection in the country since January, although this figure does not factor in those fleeing the war in Ukraine.

Reports that mass migration into Europe has surged in 2023 are not surprising. Many governments across the continent increasingly struggle to house the soaring number of single male asylum seekers arriving on their shores.

The leaked EC document also reportedly speculates on the source of the asylum surge.

With many migrants now appearing to originate from Africa, Berlaymont seems to be blaming the increase on the increasing instability within the continent.

Sub-Saharan Africa has seen several coups in recent months. Armed forces in several former “Françafrique” strongholds have turned on their pro-European governments and installed themselves as rulers.

Western governments have been quick to blame Russia for the uptick in revolutionary activity, with speculation regarding Wagner Group involvement in Niger a key talking point within European political circles.

It appears unclear whether the near-record mass migration into Europe will slow down anytime soon. The recent resurgence of violence in Palestine also represents another possible origin point for migrants wanting to come to the continent.