Several right-wing parties are set to meet in Brussels to discuss the formation of a new EU parliamentary group (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images).

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Parliament ‘Hooligans’ meet to discuss creation of new right-wing group


Several right-wing parties are set to meet in Brussels to discuss the formation of a new European Parliament group.

Nicknamed the “Hooligans”, the proposed alliance aims to bring together various nationalist and identitarian [those opposed to cultural mixing] parties from across the bloc.

According to an anonymous source, representatives from various interested groups are set to discuss the possible alliance behind closed doors on June 12.

Said to be attending the meeting are representatives from Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, Poland’s Konfederacja, Cyprus’ ELAM and Hungary’s Mi Hazánk.

The source also said that a Slovak delegation from an unknown party would also be in attendance.

Hnutie Republika, a Slovak nationalist group, had previously been reported as being interested in the alliance.

The source added that efforts were ongoing to get more parties interested in joining the potential parliamentary group but added they were not in a position to disclose those that had been approached.

It is unclear what stage negotiations for the creation of the potential group are currently at.

As of writing, the group is said to lack an official name, with the tongue-in-cheek moniker of “Hooligans” said to be the its unofficial title behind closed doors.

The parliamentary faction’s creation is still far from certain, with the AfD — a would-be cornerstone member of the alliance should it be created — reportedly still aiming to re-enter the Identity and Democracy (ID) group after being kicked out in May.