On June 27, European leaders reaffirmed their support for Ukraine during the EU summit by agreeing to another security agreement.EPA-EFE/POOL OLIVIER HOSLET / POOL


EU leaders sign new security deal with Ukraine


European Union leaders reaffirmed their support for Ukraine during the European Council summit in Brussels by signing a new security agreement.

The deal reached on June 27 is designed to support Kyiv by cementing existing EU initiatives and promising long-term commitments such as supplying Ukraine with artillery and an air-defence system.

“As Ukraine exercises its inherent right to self-defence, the European Council calls for the delivery of military support to Ukraine to be stepped up,” the leaders wrote.

“In particular, air-defence systems, ammunition and missiles are urgently needed to protect Ukraine’s population and critical energy infrastructure.”

The EU will also provide additional funds for Ukraine by the end of 2024. This funding will be in the form of loans totalling approximately €50 billion and is intended to support the embattled country’s current and future military, budgetary and reconstruction needs.

The EU also stated that Russian assets in the bloc will remain frozen until Moscow ends its war against Ukraine and compensates Kyiv for damages caused by the conflict.

“These commitments will help Ukraine defend itself, resist destabilisation, and deter future acts of aggression – more concrete proof of the EU‘s unshakeable resolve to support Ukraine for the long haul,” said Council President Charles Michel on June 27. 

Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative, added: “This deal signifies unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s security and right to exist as an independent country.” He vowed that the EU would never “tire of supporting its [Ukraine’s] people”.

The agreement was also aimed at counterbalancing uncertainty regarding Ukraine support created by the French snap general elections due at the end of June and the US presidential vote in November.

Solidarity with Ukraine was not the only focus of the defence initiative. The EU leaders also pledged to bolster the bloc’s own defence systems.

“Going forward, we will invest substantially more and better together, reduce our strategic dependencies, scale up our capacities and strengthen the European defence technological and industrial base accordingly,” they stated.

According to the news outlet Reuters, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen laid the groundwork for what is seen as an ambitious defence budget.

The EU planned to invest €500 billion over the next decade, with financing options including national contributions and joint borrowing, she said.