Everyone actively involved in the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is a "Nazi", Lars Klingbeil, the defeated co-leader of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), has said. (EPA-EFE/CLEMENS BILAN)

News Vote 24

‘Everyone in AfD is a Nazi’, claims BBQing left-wing leader


Everyone actively involved in the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is a “Nazi”, according to Lars Klingbeil, the co-leader of the left-wing German Social Democratic Party (SPD).

The senior politician made the comment on June 12 while grilling a varied assortment of meats on the roof of German news outlet Die Welt as part of an interview-cum-cooking programme.

“The AfD is not a party that simply stands a little to the Right of the [Christian Democrats],” the apron-wearing politician said, adding that the SPD had no interest in working with the group.

“The AfD wants a completely different country. The AfD wants a completely different way of living together.

“Many things that we have today in a free, cosmopolitan country would no longer be possible if the AfD were at the helm,” Klingbeil said.

He went on to double down on a previous claim he made just after his party lost out in the European Parliament elections, that everyone within the AfD was a “Nazi”, although insisted that his use of the slur was not meant to target the party’s voter base.

“Anyone who consciously gets involved there and says: ‘I want to take responsibility’ is of course a right-wing extremist, a Nazi,” he said shortly after the programme’s presenter finished adjusting the gas grill the meats were cooking on.

“I am not insulting voters, but I am insulting officials,” Klingbeil added.

He had had previously caused consternation for AfD leader Alice Weidel over the claim, with the SPD politician calling her a Nazi to her face during a televised debate shortly after the EU elections on June 9.