The Imatra border crossing between Finland and Russia. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)


Finland plans to reject all asylum seekers that cross Russian border


The Finnish Government aims to pass a law to turn back all refugees who cross into the country from Russia.

First fielded in May, the new rules would enable Finland’s border guards to prevent migrants arriving over the 1,340km border from claiming asylum.

Authorities have admitted the law would likely be in breach of its human rights commitments, though have insisted that it is a temporary measure aimed at ensuring its national security.

They added that the law could come into force soon, with it requiring only a few more amendments before being ready for a parliament vote.

The proposed law came as a response to major influxes of arrivals on the Finnish-Russian border.

Finland believes the migrant crisis has been orchestrated by the Kremlin in response to Finland’s accession to NATO.