French Green MP Aurélien Taché was unable to vote today. He claimed to have been removed from the electoral list.. EPA-EFE/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON

News Vote 24

French Green MP Aurélien Taché ‘barred from voting’


French Green MP Aurélien Taché was unable to vote in the European Parliament elections because, he said, he had been removed from the ballot list.

In a video posted on X on June 9, Taché claimed his voting rights were denied due to a “reorganisation”.

“I couldn’t vote today. I contacted the [Cergy] town hall to find out what was happening and they confirmed that following a reorganisation of the polling stations, I had been struck off the electoral roll.”

Taché said he was not informed by the city about his removal and planned to “take legal action to be reinstated”.

The French lawmaker was supposed to vote in the city just Northwest of Paris, where officials stated he had “voluntarily registered” in 2020 and was de-registered in 2022 after moving to another municipality.

According to Cergy officials, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) issued the delisting order based on that information and the electoral commission processed the request in March 2022.

Recently, the hard-left party La France Insoumise warned against what it called voter suppression in France.

On June 7, party member Manuel Bompard claimed that 226,000 people were “mistakenly” removed during the French presidential elections in 2022.

“This year again, people are telling us that they have been removed from the lists without reason,” he added.