The launch of a new hard-right "Europe of Sovereign Nations" group is "imminent", sources have told Brussels Signal. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

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EXCL: Launch of ‘Europe of Sovereign Nations’ group in EP ‘imminent’

Speaking to Brussels Signal, one source confirmed that the group had settled on the Europe of Sovereign Nations name, and had already secured the 23 necessary MEPs to form an official EP faction.


The launch of a new hard-right “Europe of Sovereign Nations” group is “imminent”, sources told Brussels Signal.

Rumours of the new European Parliament group have been circulating since before the EP elections in June, with pundits nicknaming the prospective faction as “the sovereigntists” and “the hooligans”, although the latter of these labels has been repeatedly rejected by those involved with the project.

Speaking to Brussels Signal, one source confirmed that the group had settled on the Europe of Sovereign Nations name, and had already secured the 23 necessary MEPs to form an official EP faction.

The group is said to have sourced these parliamentarians from six different Member States, with at least one parliamentarian from a seventh member state now allegedly all that is needed for the new group to meet the criteria for official EP recognition.

The insider claimed that the acquisition of this additional member was now imminent, and that the group could officially launch as early as next week.

Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), they added, is confirmed as a member of the new EP bloc.

Other parties associated with the prospective group in the past have included Slovakia’s Republika, France’s Reconquête, Greece’s Νikh and Hungary’s Mi Házank Mozgalom, although the source was unable to confirm which of these parties, if any, would be part of the parliamentary faction.

News of the Europe of Sovereign Nations group comes shortly after the founding of the Patriots for Europe alliance, spearheaded by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.