Image of protest in Frankfurt via Letzte


German police raid Last Generation members’ homes


German police have searched the homes of Last Generation members after the group’s protests at several German Airports.

According to the climate activists, a total of eight apartments “of peaceful protesters” were searched on the morning of August 8. They claimed that the police also took DNA samples.

The group reported raids in Berlin, Leipzig, Freiburg, Halle and Mannheim.

Eight people between the ages of 20 and 44 were arrested and later released.

Those raided and those held said the police were attempting to pressure them over their activism for Last Generation.

The Austria-founded group has spoken of an “attempt at intimidation that brings traumatic consequences for people”.

“Again, our security in our own homes is to be taken away from us,” it said.

But members remained defiant, stating: “We are determined. We have made up our minds. We will not simply accept the miserable deaths of billions of people. We have decided to protest peacefully while everything is at stake.”

On social media, the group promised to continue with their actions and asked for support and donations.

Recent actions by Last Generation have included eight members gluing themselves to the airport grounds to protest for better climate protection at the end of July.

A spokesman for the Frankfurt police confirmed that its actions were related to the protest at the airport, leading to 230 cancelled flights and numerous delays.

Police and prosecutors said the activists were being investigated on suspicion of coercion, damage to property harmful to the public, and trespassing.

The Hesse interior minister Roman Poseck (CDU) welcomed the actions of the law enforcement agencies. “They must feel the full force of our rule of law,” he stated regarding the activists who had glued themselves to the airport. He said he hoped that the judiciary would soon impose a “significant punishment”.

Poseck pointed out the economic damage and the risks for air traffic the actions caused and said the motives of climate protection activists should not play a role in the evaluation of their protests.