French citizens are now living a "multicultural nightmare" as a result of left-wing immigration policy, a senior politician in Belgium has warned. (EPA-EFE/MOHAMMED BADRA)


France living a ‘multicultural nightmare’, says Belgian politician


French citizens were living a “multicultural nightmare” as a result of left-wing immigration policy, claimed a senior Belgian politician.

The comments came amid concern France’s violence could spread to its neighbours, with arrests already in Belgium and Switzerland.

Riots in French cities showed left-wing ideals were unravelling, warned Tom Van Grieken, vice president of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives and head of the nationalist Vlaams Belang party.

The Left’s multicultural dreams proved a “nightmare for the citizen” in France, causing widespread arson and looting, he said.

France was seeing “predictable consequences of mass migration”, argued Belgian sociologist Mark Elchardus.

Belgian cities risked similar violence in the future, with one apparent bomb attack already on a restaurant in the Antwerp outskirts, warned Van Grieken.

Police in Brussels arrested over 90 people late last week in preventative measures aimed at curbing possible riots.

Meanwhile, at least seven people were arrested in Lausanne—a French-speaking city in Switzerland—over violence described as inspired by France’s riots.

“Echoing the events and riots raging in France, more than a hundred young people gathered in downtown Lausanne and caused damage to businesses,” said the city’s police in a statement.

Police officers several times had to disperse “hooded and aggressive” young people, who hurled cobblestones and a Molotov cocktail at them.

No officers were injured in the violence, police added.