The European Parliament's Renew group appears to be watering down its anti-Geert Wilders threats against one of its member parties after it was thrashed in the recent EU elections. (Photo by Patrick van Katwijk/BSR Agency/Getty Images)

News Vote 24

EU Liberals water down threats to eject Dutch member after elections thrashing


The European Parliament’s Renew group appears to be watering down threats against one of its member parties over their willingness to join the Dutch Government headed by the PVV party of Geert Wilders.

Senior figures within the Liberal faction warned that they could throw out their Dutch member after it agreed to enter the ruling coalition.

While a group meeting to discuss the ejection was due to take place on June 10, it appears no such gathering occurred. Liberal politicians made no mention of it publicly.

In a statement to Brussels Signal, group spokesman Clara de Melo Ponce appeared to confirm that no discussions on the issue had been held. She added that, if any Renew parliamentarians still had concerns, they would get the opportunity to raise them at an informal delegation meeting. “Today [June 11] an informal meeting of the delegation leaders will take place, so there is a possibility, if any of them ask to talk about it, for the VVD to explain the situation,” the spokesman said.

According to official European Parliament projections, Renew is set to return to Brussels with 79 MEPs, down 23 on the previous parliamentary term.