Prime Minister of Belgium Alexander De Croo seems unhappy with the results. (Photo by Pier Marco Tacca/Getty Images)

News Vote 24

Nervous Belgian Liberals kick journalists out of party HQ


Tensions are rising at the headquarters of Open Vld, the Liberal party of Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, where the party forced journalists out as bad election results came in.

In the afternoon, as votes were being tallied, all parties allowed journalists into their buildings to chat and relax.

But when the first election results began to trickle in, the Open Vld party of Prime Minister De Croo consistently received dismal numbers.

Any sense of conviviality vanished in the Liberal headquarters, those inside reported.

As cameras cut to local reporters for a live update, viewers witnessed them hastily packing their bags on air.

“The atmosphere isn’t great”, one reporter, Anne Vanrenterghem noted, while she was exiting the building, microphone in hand.

“Even if they are just initial, preliminary results, it is evident that they would have preferred to see somewhat different outcomes. This hits home for Open Vld.”

However, the party claims that the orders to leave the perimeter had nothing to do with the results, but that journalists only were allowed to prepare their cameras and microphones, but then had to leave anyway.

“I have to say… Not everyone here was aware of that. It’s a matter of debate whether that was indeed the agreement,” Jelle Frencken, a journalist for VTM said.