Groundbreaking interviews: Maximillian Krah visits the Brussels Signal studio.


Maximillian Krah: ‘ID group and ECR foreign policy differences’ are main problem


Maximillian Krah, lead candidate of Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party for the European Parliament elections in 2024, has taken issue with the foreign policy of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR).

If present polling is accurate, a combination of the two Right-wing groups Identity and Democracy (ID) and ECR would become the second-biggest force in the Parliament. Such co-operation seems unlikely to happen; according to Krah, that is because of the ECR’s “Neo-Conservative” convictions.

“You can say you have two approaches to be Right-wing,” Krah told Brussels Signal. “You can say we want pure, complete renationalisation, no Europe at all, and become a 100 per cent ally or vassal to the United States.

“Or you can say, in a more holistic approach, we have a Europe and there’s a multipolar world. Europe has trade relations and political relations to the East and to the West.”

According to the German politician, there are some “very outspoken proponents” of the first option in the ECR.

He said they are very much pro-US and support the war in Ukraine. “They follow a political line I would call ‘NeoCon’,” he said.

“That is a little bit of a problem.”

Krah said he does not think combining the ID group and the ECR group was a possibility, especially with so many ongoing international conflicts.

“So, I’m in favour of what I call the ID+. We take the current ID, and we take new parties that will join the European Parliament by 2024. We include them and we grow.”

Nonetheless, Krah claimed he had a “very good relationship” with some ECR members, despite his suggested “supergroup” being an unlikely outcome.

“Politics should always deal with what is real, what you can achieve. And that is ID+. The art of the possible, as they say,” he added.